RWWP Plot Topper


We came up with this unique blend which includes purple top turnips, oil-seed radish, tillage radish, rape, sugar beets, forage collards, crimson clover, and impact forage collards after years of side-by-side testing.

Additional information


3 lbs bag 1/2 Acre, 24 lbs bag 4 Acres

RWWP Plot Topper


  • Deer tear foliage and bulbs as hard as any brassica mixture on the market
  • Deer tend to hit brassicas harder and quicker than others
  • Can be planted alone or with Whitetail Oats, Harvest Salad
  • Can broadcast into corn or soybeans as the leaves turn yellow
  • 3lb bag = 1/2 acre
  • 24lb bag = 4 acres