Suståne Root Zone Feeder Packs (4-6-4) – 2.32 lb bag


No measuring, no special equipment, no waste. Your plants receive the even feed slow-release nutrients over time as needed. The Suståne 4-6-4 Root Zone Feeder Packs feed plants up to 4 months.

Designed for dual application for the avid organic gardener, this permeable fertilizer pack can be left to steep in a watering can overnight to make a Compost Tea brew for a soil-drench application; or planted in the soil or potting mix as a Root Zone Feeder Pack when potting.

Feeder Pack Directions
Place into the root zone of potted or bed-grown plants at planting or re-potting time. Use to improve transplant success of perennial woody plants.



Suståne Root Zone Feeder Packs (4-6-4) – 2.32 lb bag


  • Use with all types of flowers, trees, and shrubs
  • Feeds plants in pots and outdoor beds
  • Easy-to-use liquid organic fertilizer supplement
  • Feeds and activates beneficial microbes that improve nutrient availability to plants
  • Promotes healthy soils which may suppress soil-borne diseases and pathogens
  • Permeable biodegradable paper filter packets
  • 50 packs

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