Hsu Transplant Mix


Hsu Transplant Mix is like a courser version of Hsu Germination+.  Hsu Transplant Mix has course peat moss, Hsu Leaf Compost, course Perlite, organic fertilizer, and Yucca making it great for pots, containers, and overall transplanting.  It was designed for seedlings, cuttings, and can also be used with potted succulents.  It promotes strong root development and healthy plants.  It has well draining soil and even water retention.

Additional information


3 Cubic Feet, 3 Cubic Feet w/Rootshield

Hsu Transplant Mix


  • Courser version of Hsu Germination+.
  • Course peat moss, Hsu Leaf Compost, course Perlite, organic fertilizer, and Yucca
  • Designed for seedlings, cuttings, and potted succulents
  • Promotes strong root development and healthy plants
  • Well draining soil and even water retention.
  • Available in 3 cubic foot bags.