Nufarm Weedar 64 (Generic 2,4-D) – 2.5 gal jug


Nufarm Weedar 64 is a selective herbicide which provides broad-spectrum control of annual, biennial, perennial broad-leaf weeds. It features low-volatile formula which contains 2,4-D as its active ingredient which effectively kills and control weeds like horseweed, ragweed, catnip, chicory, coffeeweed, carpetweed, cocklebur, pigweeds, bindweed, dandelion, ironweed, plantains, wormwood, and more. Its versatile formulation is designed for a variety of uses and can be applied on crops like apples, cereal grains, corn, fallowland, crop stubble, orchard floor, rice, soybeans, sugarcane, rangeland, forests, pasture, as well as non-crop areas like aquatic sites, lawns, ornamental turf, ditch banks, forestry, and right-of-ways. It easily dissolves in water to form a premium solution, making it very efficient to use.

Always read and follow the label instructions when using any chemical product. HSU Growing Supply does not provide guidance on the use of chemicals.

Nufarm Weedar 64 (Generic 2,4-D) – 2.5 gal jug


  • Provides control of annual, biennial, perennial broad-leaf weeds
  • Low-volatile formula which contains 2,4-D as active ingredient
  • Easily dissolves in water

26 in stock