Ridomil Gold – 50 lb bag


Due to hyper-systemic uptake and translocation properties, Ridomil Gold® SL protects vegetables, citrus, potatoes and tree nuts from soilborne oomycete diseases. Ridomil Gold SL also improves stand, root health and crop vigor and has flexible application methods and a clear, easy-to-use formulation.

(rate15lbs/acre) 100-798


SDS Sheet

Ridomil Gold – 50 lb bag


  • Active Ingredients: Mefenoxam
  • Resistance Management: Group 4 Fungicide
  • Unsurpassed protection against soil-borne oomycete diseases; 
  • Excellent crop protection due to hyper-systemic uptake and translocation properties
  • Flexible application methods for at-planting treatment; easy-to-use formulation.

40 in stock