Neudorff Ferroxx – 50 lb bag


Ferroxx® Slug & Snail Bait is an iron-based bait that is effective against a wide variety of slug and snail species and is exempt from the requirement for a tolerance when used as a molluscicide in or on all food commodities. It protects citrus, artichokes, nursery stock, berries, lawns, gardens, greenhouses, outdoor ornamentals, vegetable gardens, fruits, and grass grown for seed. Ferroxx can be used in areas where pets and wildlife protection are a concern.

When slugs and snails ingest the pellets, even in small amounts, they stop feeding and die, leaving no slime trails with no cleanup necessary; dead slugs and snails may not be visible. The physiological effect of the bait gives immediate protection to crops. The non-dusty, small uniform pellet allows for easy application through spreading equipment and provides the maximum number of feeding points/acre. Ferroxx is easy to apply and remains effective under varying weather and environmental conditions.

Disclaimer: Chemicals listed on our website are only available for purchase in-store or for local delivery within Marathon Co. We do not ship chemicals outside this area.  Always read and follow the label instructions when using any chemical product. HSU Growing Supply does not provide guidance on the use of chemicals.




Neudorff Ferroxx – 50 lb bag


  • Eco-Friendly blend of Iron Phosphate and bait additives that can be used around pets and wildlife.
  • Safe for pets
  • Rain resistant allowing it to last much longer than other options
  • Slugs and snails are lured to the product which increases success vs products that the slug has to accidentally touch to work.
  • Blue in color to see where you have applied it.
  • There is no issue keeping leftover product for multiple years when properly stored.

Available in a 50 lb bag -blue pellets


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