Coragen Insect Control is a suspension concentrate insecticide that provides quick protection for vegetables, potatoes, strawberries, and other crops against biting and feeding insects. It features the active ingredient Rynaxypyr which delivers broad-spectrum control of insect pests such as armyworms, loopers, silverleaf whitefly nymphs, leafminer larvae, Colorado potato beetles, and more (see label for complete list). It belongs to Group 28 insecticide which provides a unique mode of action, plus it works fast — Lepidopteran insects will cease feeding within minutes after exposure. It also has little impact on bees, making it perfect for Integrated Pest Management programs. This formulation also allows versatile application as it may be used for soil and foliar applications and drip and overhead chemigation using ground or air equipment. Available in gallon size.
Disclaimer: Chemicals listed on our website are only available for purchase in-store or for local delivery within Marathon Co. We do not ship chemicals outside this area. Always read and follow the label instructions when using any chemical product. HSU Growing Supply does not provide guidance on the use of chemicals.