Sustane Bolster MycoBio – 1lb jar


Suståne Bolster MycoBioTM is a blend of endomycorrhizae species and beneficial bacteria with humic acid and compost that supports the proliferation of soil micro-organisms. Bolster MycoBio is used for inoculating soils and growing media with beneficial microbiology for improved nutrient cycling and to amend soil to improve seed germination and promote vigorous plant establishment.
Recommended Use: Use Bolster MycoBio for rapid establishment, enhanced root growth, to improve plant access to water and nutrients, and to increase populations of beneficial soil microorganisms.

Sustane Bolster MycoBio – 1lb jar


• Supplies beneficial microorganisms to soils and growing media
• Allows plants to better utilize water & nutrients
• Encourages vigorous root growth


24 in stock