Hsu Perennial Mix


Hsu Perennial Mix is a potting soil for pots and containers.  When you’re ready to start bumping your plants into small containers go with our Perennial mix.  This soil is designed for (potted) woody plants, herbs, shrubs, and perennials.  This soil blend will reduce your watering requirements as the pine bark and Hsu Leaf Compost increase water retention capabilities. Perlite and added rice hulls will ensure proper drainage needed for a healthy root system.  This mix also includes peat moss. This product is available in 2 cubic foot bags.

Additional information

Weight 60 lbs

2 Cubic Foot

Hsu Perennial Mix


  • Hsu Perennial Mix is a potting soil for pots and containers.
  • Designed for (potted) woody plants, herbs, shrubs, and perennials. 
  • Pine bark and Hsu Leaf Compost increase water retention capabilities
  • Perlite and added rice hulls ensure proper drainage for a healthy root system. 
  • This mix also includes peat moss.  
  • This product is available in 2 cubic foot bags

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