Natural Guard Spinosad Soap Concentrate is specially formulated to protect vegetable gardens against the listed insects. It features a powerful combination of Potassium Salts of Fatty Acid and Spinosad which effectively control foliage-feeding pests to prevent them from damaging the produce. Its fast-acting formula provides excellent control and kills insects such as spider mites, caterpillars, leafminers, beetles, Japanese beetle and Colorado potato beetles on contact. It starts working within minutes after application. It is recommended to be applied at 7-day intervals, or as needed.
Use on Citrus, Fruits, Vegetables & Lawns, Ornamental Trees, Shrubs & Flowers. Kills Leafminers, Borers, Leaf Rollers, Thrips, Worms (Caterpillars), Colorado Potato Beetle and other listed insects on Vegetables, Fruit and Citrus. Kills Armyworms, Sod Webworms, Cat Flies, Loopers, Bagworms, Tent Caterpillars and other listed insects on Lawns and Ornamental Trees, Shrubs and Flowers.
Always read and follow label directions.