Fertilome Natural Guard Copper Soap Fungicide – 32oz Ready-to-use Spray


Natural Guard Copper Soap Fungicide RTU contains copper octanoate as its active ingredient which is known to effectively control a wide range of diseases. It comes in a ready-to-use formula that is easy to apply.  Since it is OMRI-listed, it is ideal for organic gardening and can be used on vegetables, fruits, roses, and other ornamental plants. It controls diseases such as peach leaf curl, leaf spot, powdery mildew, cedar apple rust, needle blight, fruit spot, black spot, early blight on tomatoes, anthracnose, Rhizoctonia blight, and late blight on tomatoes.

 Product Label (1.06 MB)

 41719-Copper-Soap-Fungicide-32oz-RTU-Planogram-L (924 KB)

 41719-Copper-Soap-Fungicide-32oz-RTU-Glamour-L (885 KB)

 SDS Sheet (71 KB)

 Product Info sheet (619 KB)

 Product OMRI Certificate (382 KB)

Fertilome Natural Guard Copper Soap Fungicide – 32oz Ready-to-use Spray


  • Natural Guard Copper Soap Fungicide RTU contains copper octanoate as its active ingredient controls a wide range of diseases.
  • It comes in a ready-to-use formula that is easy to apply.
  • Since it is OMRI-listed, it is ideal for organic gardening and can be used on vegetables, fruits, roses, and other ornamental plants

8 in stock