RWWP Maximizer Plus Mineral – 40 lb bag


Real World’s Maximizer Plus Deer Mineral is exactly the same as our Maximizer but it also includes Real Worlds exclusive Expect Healthy Deer Technology®.

Maximizer deer mineral was developed after more than 20 years of extensive research with both captive whitetails as well as wild deer. Unlike other salt-dominated products which offer very little nutritional benefit to deer, Maximizer Deer Mineral is specifically formulated with over 20 micro and macro-nutrients; many in precise proportion to each other.

The specific nutrient formulation found in Maximizer has been directly responsible for the growth of numerous captive bucks scoring more than 300” and countless bucks scoring more than 200” at just two years old.

By providing the deer on your property with adequate year-round access to Maximizer Deer Mineral, you are giving the bucks the very best opportunity to develop antlers to their full genetic potential while also helping the does raise vigorous healthy fawns.

Most deer mineral products on the market WILL attract deer. The difference with Real World Maximizer Mineral is that it can also help support your deer herd’s health, antler growth and fawn production while also drawing them in for your trail camera. Why settle for JUST an attractant when you can support antler growth, fawn production and herd health at the same time?

RWWP Maximizer Plus Mineral – 40 lb bag


  • Formulated with over 20 micro and macro-nutrients
  • Responsible for captive bucks scoring 300”
  • Responsible for bucks scoring more than 200” at 2 years old
  • Best opportunity to develop antlers to full genetic potential
  • Helps does raise vigorous healthy fawns
  • Supports your deer herd’s health
  • Draws them in for your trail camera

9 in stock