Fertilome Triple Action – 32oz Ready-to-use Spray


Ferti-lome Triple Action provides quick and more complete control of insects and fungal diseases. It acts as an “exciter” to release insect pests that are hiding and into contact with spray residues. It is great to use on herbs, spices, flowers & shrubs, fruits, nuts and vegetables & roses. It will control scale, beetles, spider mites, loopers, aphids, leaf miners, armyworms, weevils, whiteflies, tent caterpillars, and other insects. This is a fungicide that works and will prevent and control fungal diseases such as: black spot, brown spot, leaf spot, powdery mildew, anthracnose, rust and others.


Fertilome Triple Action – 32oz Ready-to-use Spray


  • Fertilome Triple Action protects your plants from pests and diseases while promoting their overall health and vitality
  • Use on fruits, herbs, nuts, spices, vegetables, roses, flowers, and shrubs.
  • Acts as an “exciter” to flush insect pests out of hiding and into direct contact with spray residues.
  • An effective fungicide for the prevention and control of various fungal diseases.
  • Contains Neem Oil and Pyrethrins.
  • May be applied up to day of harvest. Apply every 14 days to prevent disease

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