Fertilome Copper Fungicide – 16 oz jug


Formerly known as Ferti-lome Natural Guard Copper Soap Fungicide, this powerful product features a specialized formula designed to combat plant diseases effectively. It’s suitable for use on a wide range of plants, including fruits, vegetables, herbs, roses, trees, shrubs, turf, and ornamentals. The active ingredient, copper octanoate, provides protection against common plant diseases such as anthracnose, needle blight, black spot, leaf spot, fruit spot, cedar apple rust, powdery mildew, peach leaf curl, and both early and late blight.

Certified by OMRI, Ferti-lome Copper Fungicide is safe for organic gardening and can be applied right up to the day of harvest, ensuring your plants stay healthy and productive.

Always read and follow the label instructions when using any chemical product. HSU Growing Supply does not provide guidance on the use of chemicals.

Fertilome Copper Fungicide – 16 oz jug


  • Formulation: Copper Soap 10%.
  • Use On: Roses, Fruits and Vegetables.
  • Diseases Controlled: Needle Blight, Blackspot, Anthracnose, Leaf and Fruit Spot, Cedar Apple Rust, Powdery Mildew, Early and Late Blight on Tomatoes, and Peach Leaf Curl.
  • Application: Mix ½ – 2 oz. per gal. of water as recommended on label. Begin treatment as a preventive before disease is visible or when mildew is first visible on plant.
  • Can be used up to the day of harvest.

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