SUSTANE 5-2-4 Organic Slow Release Fertilizer – 50 lb bag


All purpose broadcast and side dress balanced fertilizer for leafy crops, vegetables, flowers, and cucurbits. Natural nitrogen source for organic gardens, turfgrass, parklands, and trees.
Suståne 5-2-4 All Natural Slow Release Nitrogen Fertilizer provides 6 – 12 weeks of nitrogen in the organic slow-release form and complies with the National Organic Program standards. Suståne replenishes the soil with a rich supply of humus (stabilized organic matter) and all of the essential naturally chelated nutrients required for sound and long term soil building programs. Suståne 5-2-4 All Natural is derived from biologically stable organic compost plus natural sulfate of potash and feather meal. Available in a 50 lbs bag.

SUSTANE 5-2-4 Organic Slow Release Fertilizer – 50 lb bag


Benefits of Suståne 5-2-4 Natural Organic
• Increases nutrient and water holding capacity of the soil
• Adds approximately 8.5% humates by volume
• Strengthens plants’ tolerance of hot, dry conditions
• Greater root development
• Improves buffering against changes in soil pH
• Increases the soil’s ability to suppress plant pathogens
• Increased soil porosity and stability for greater root development and water holding capacity

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