Now Offering!
pickup or delivery of soil, mulch, and compost in Wausau
Delivery Schedule
This service includes many items found in our retail store such as bags, bottles, jars and jugs. We do driveway delivery to local zip codes. We offer pickup or delivery of soil, mulch, and compost in Wausau and surrounding areas.
All-in-One Halloween Decorating Bundle
Need Pickup or Delivery of Soil, Mulch, and Compost in Wausau?
Hsu is the leader in lawn and garden landscape supplies in Wisconsin.
Hsu Growing Supply is provider of organic-based and sustainable growing supplies (soil, mulch, ginseng) as well as a manufacturer of various, high quality mulch, composts and soil blends. We have long invested in the manufacturing and testing of our compost and soil products. With over 20 years of experience, Hsu continues to be a leader in Wisconsin’s soil, mulch and composting industry and has several certifications on our products.
In addition to offering pickup or delivery of soil, mulch, and compost in Wausau and surrounding areas, you can find our products at the locations below.
We also offer ginseng seeds and rootlets for sale.
September To-Do List for Your Wisconsin Garden
This checklist is a simple way to keep your garden thriving and your home festive this Fall!
Retail Locations
Before visiting any of our dealers we strongly recommend that you call ahead to make sure they have the products you are looking for in stock.